
Estimator plugin does not require any specific settings. If Time Tracking (TTR) and Estimation are configured correctly, plugin will work out of the box.

However, if Story Points or TTR input is absent for some tickets, which needs an estimation, please follow this page to fix it.

When plugin detects absence of TTR or Estimation input fields for any ticket in selected scope, it will fire a warning messages pop-ups explaining the root case and pointing to related Atlassian documentation:

Below you will find more info on each Warning pop-up’s root cause along with short step-by-step video instruction showing how to fix configuration.


Adding Story Points to issues screen(s) and associating Story Points with issue type(s)

Story points estimation requires:

  • Story Points custom field on an issue screen(s)

  • Story points association with dedicated issue type(s)

Following short video shows how to add Story Points to an issue screen and associate Story Points with all the issue types. It will satisfy and eliminate two warnings: “Some issues do not have estimation field on layout…” and “Estimation custom field is not associated with all the issue types…”


Note: it is fine that some of the issues, that you don’t need to estimate, do not have Estimation field on their layout or not associated with it


Adding Time Tracking field to an issue screen(s)

Time Tracking estimation requires Time Tracking fields to be presented on an issue screen.

Following short video shows how to add Time Tracking fields to issue(s) screen(s). It will satisfy and eliminate warning: “Some issues do not have TTR fields on layout..”


Note: it is fine that some of the issues, that you don’t need to estimate, do not have Time Tracking on layout